Ben Crystal Castles ı Courtship Dating ile tanıdım...
Dinlemesi kolay bi grup deil bence herkesin kulağı müsait değil onlar için..
(Vokal Alice Glass kendisi 88 li)
Dinlerken kendini video game oynuyomuş gibi hissine kaptırıosun zaten....
Kendilerini de şu şekilde tanımlıolar;
we are crystal castles
we are 1 boy and 1 girl
we are named after she-ra's home
we play rough
Ne alaka şimdi tabi blog ile ama işte cover olmuşlar ondan dedim...
I know Crystal Castles from their track Courtship Dating..
It'S not easy to listen them, it'S not for every musiclover...
You feel you are playin a video game when you are listening them...
they define theirselves as;
we are crystal castles
we are 1 boy and 1 girl
we are named after she-ra's home
we play rough
of course there is no interest with my blog all of this but they are on cover i just wanna said that...
crystal castle i bende cok severim dinlerim